Hello guys, its been a while I don't update this blog. Last month is a hectic month for me, until last friday. And now, finally i have my own quality time ( hiphiphoray). I promise very bery cherry soon I'll write about Sundanese food, and Fish and Chips.
I want to share a little bit happy things that happened lately. I have 2 month holiday, my IP was ok but the score was fall, got a parttimer job as a sales associate in one of the biggest worldwide luxury brand starting this July for the next 3 month ( congratulations Muli; yay thank you. hahahaha) Yes, Im too happy, nervous and I wish my contarct will be extend.
As I promise before, hopefully and I can update one of the restaurant this week. And I hope you will enjoy it, and post it soon. (hope so). Last but not least I hope you have a good good food and enjoy.